• Tove Storch

    March 11 – April 30, 2011
    Ny Carlsberg vej 68, Copenhagen

    We are very pleased to announce our first solo exhibition by Tove Storch.


    The exhibition presents a series of five new sculptural works made of stainless steel and silk. The sculptures consist of two elements: a bearing part and an enclosing membrane, and they vary in size and shade. The changeable, silent works insist on a physical presence and together they form a totality – a place in which communication and meaning get lost in the complexity of beholding and being around objects without function.


    Tove Storchs artistic project can be viewed as a continuous investigation of sculptural possibilities. The combination of a tight minimal mode of expression and delicate, fragile materials gives physical shape to complex reflections on form, time and space. Her works challenge the viewer’s perception of space and reality and ask questions to what sculpture is and is able to do.


    Within recent years Storch has exhibited at Malmö Art Museum (SE), Auckland Trienneal (NZ), Museum of Modern Art Sao Paolo (BR), Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art (DK), Gl. Holtegaard (DK), and Kunsthallen Brandts (DK).

    Tove Storch (born 1981) is educated from The Royal Danish Art Academy in 2007. Storch lives and works in Copenhagen.


    Please contact the gallery for further information at: gallery@nilsstaerk.dk

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  • Artist Biography
  • Tove Storch Born in Denmark, 1981 Lives and works in Copenhagen, DK In her eccentric and densely sensuous sculptures, Tove...
    Photo: Birgit Tengberg

    Tove Storch

    Born in Denmark, 1981
    Lives and works in Copenhagen, DK


    In her eccentric and densely sensuous sculptures, Tove Storch investigates the interaction between material and motif. Oscillating between the everyday and the alien. Fueled by an intimate knowledge of the materials chosen, these works allow the contours of something figurative to emerge. Unpredictable and ambiguous, her works let their subjects make themselves known even as they simultaneously threaten to disappear into the realm of abstraction.


    Storch is keenly interested in the limits and capabilities of materials. In some works she investigates the elasticity of silk, in others she portrays strong, rough metal as something pliable and limp. Treated with tenderness and precision, the materials reveal unknown aspects of themselves, their immediately apparent qualities receding in the articulation of something new and unexpected. Specifically, Storch often offsets tension and slackness in her study of different positions of strength: Can silk break down metal? How does the liquid shape the solid? What effect does time have on form? Through their colours, subject matter and attitudes, the works weave themselves into archetypal narratives about gender, romance and sexuality while also wrestling themselves loose from preconceived readings with quiet grace.