Beneath the Surface
Beneath the Surface
FEBRUARY 2 – MARCH 15, 2008
As the first show of the year, Nils Stærk Contemporary Art presents a group exhibition with the five artists Pierre Bismuth, Kim Fisher, Marie Søndergaard Lolk, Joseph Marioni and Alan Uglow, who, each in their very different way, explores painting.
The theme of the show is the three-dimensional element in painting. The five artists all have the minimalist tradition as their point of departure. Using very different methods and with just as diverse results, they give us their take on how to transcend and redefine traditionalist minimalist painting.
All the works are on the borderline of sculpture by virtue of their physical three-dimensional surfaces created by different approaches: by applying innumerable coats of paint, the mounting of the canvas, or by breaking the surface of the canvas. As with any sculpture it is important to view it from all sides, and, as explicitly indicated in the title of the show, it is in this case paramount to delve beneath the surface, get behind it, to fully experience the dimensions of the works.
Installation views