Carla Zaccagnini & Runo Lagomarsino

The first extensive survey catalogue of Zaccagnini & Lagomarsino, a selection of works from 2001 to 2015 especially displayed by artist Luca Frei and which reflects the two artists' transnational ideals. Published following the artists' exhibition at Malmö Konsthall, Sweden, from March 21 to May 24, 2015.


Charting and topography, violence and destruction, collapsing distances, traversing languages and geographies, dislocation and (de)constructing national identity: these are some of the core topics shared by the artistic practices of Carla Zaccagnini and Runo Lagomarsino. Published to document their first survey exhibition in Scandinavia, this catalogue describes the artists' show at Malmö Konsthall earlier this year. To reflect the transnational nature of the artists' respective biographies, the exhibition and the book follow a carefully-selected number of works realised between 2001 and 2015 arranged within a display system designed by the artist Luca Frei, in which they repeatedly followed logics of pairing and confrontation echoing the artists' methods of working.


Carla Zaccagnini and Runo Lagomarsino's artistic practices reflect the trans-nationalism of their respective biographies. Lagomarsino was born in 1977 in Lund, Sweden, to Argentinian parents of Italian descent, who fled the country as political refugees in the mid-1970s. Zaccagnini was born in 1973 in Buenos Aires to parents (also of Italian origin) who immigrated to Brazil in 1981. These migratory roots manifest themselves in both of the artists' practices, evident in their versatile approach to artistic media as well as their engagement in disparate fields of enquiry including linguistics, geography, post-colonialism, national identity, gender, art history and art genres, such as institutional critique. They live and work between Malmö and São Paulo.


Edited by Diana Baldon.
Text by Natasa Ilic.


Language: English / Swedish
Pages: 136

Format: Hardcover, 22.50 x 29.00 cm

Published: 2015
ISBN-13: 9788867491667

Publisher: Mousse Publishing


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Carla Zaccagnini & Runo Lagomarsino
€ 30.00