Jone Kvie is part of a group exhibition at Herman Noack, Berlin with Jimmie Durham & Per Dybvig

Jone Kvie is part of a group exhibition at Herman Noack, Berlin with Jimmie Durham & Per Dybvig. 

The exhibition is running from 16.11.2019 - 13.03.2020. 

For more information please click here


Ed Templeton new book 'CITY CONFESSIONS #1' at Beaux-Arts de Paris

Ed Templeton new book 'CITY CONFESSIONS #1' at Beaux-Arts de Paris. 

Ed & Deanna Templeton will be signing books on Friday, Nov. 8 at 7:00 pm. 


Ed Templeton new book 'HAIRDOS OF DEFIANCE' at Deadbeat Club

Ed Templeton new book 'HAIRDOS OF DEFIANCE'. 

Book signing Sunday, Nov. 10, 5:00 pm at Deadbeat Club - Concorde Atlantique, Port of Solferino, 75007 Paris.

'From Disneyland to Detroit, Spokane to Scotland, Hairdos of Defiance highlights Templeton’s encounters with iconic punk-rock plumage across two decades and two continents. Shot on film, the portraits in Hairdos of Defiance track this ubiquitous expression of individuality on friends and strangers.

In the accompanying essay On Mohawks, Templeton reflects on the evolution of the mohawk, from its origins in indigenous culture to its emergence as a punk identifier, to its co-option by the mainstream, to its significance in his own life as an outsider kid growing up in suburbia.

This hardcover book features 62 photographs, printed in an edition of 1,500. Hairdos of Defianceserves as the catalogue for Templeton’s eponymous solo exhibition at Roberts Projects, Los Angeles, on view March 17 - April 21, 2018.' - Deadbeat Club. 

For more information please click here 


FOS' new book 'Hand Smoothed by Coin' at Offprint Paris, Beaux-Arts de Paris

FOS' new book 'Hand Smoothed by Coin' at Offprint Paris, Beaux-Arts de Paris. ⁠

Book signing Friday Nov. 8, 2019 between 18:00-20:00.⁠


By Fos with OK-RM and Esther Theaker
Text by: Deborah Birch.
Garment Fos and Maja Brix
Matter lies like the skin, it moves between genres.
HAND SMOOTHED BY COIN is a collection of works that combine
and intertwine to form an accumulative portrait of objects moving between
art and design. The book presents material extracted from three events.
Palimpsest by Fos,
Nils Stærk gallery, 2018
After Palimpsest by OK-RM with Fos and Esther Theaker, Them Magazine Issue No.20, Winter 2018
Hands Smooth by Coins SCAD Georgia US 2018
Hands Smooth by Coins by Fos, Copenhagen Contemporary, 2019
For more information please click here
FOS 'Silver Coin' is on view at the gallery as part of the exhibition 'Wunderkammer'.
Please click here to experience the exhibition. 


Carlos Amorales, 'The Factory' at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Carlos Amorales, 'The Factory' at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 

'The first ever retrospective exhibition in Europe of the work of Carlos Amorales will open at Stedelijk during Amsterdam Art Weekend 2019. Carlos Amorales – The Factory showcases the work of one of Mexico’s most important contemporary artists from the 1990s to the present day –the most recent piece was made especially for the exhibition. Spanning 14 rooms of the museum, the exhibition includes spatial works, installations, paintings, drawings, videos, prints, textiles, animations, and sound works, which Amorales incorporates in his open, non-chronological, large-scale spatial installations. Visitors will be able to navigate their own route around Amorales’s world of fantastical images and stories that explore the field of tension between the individual and society.' - Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

The exhibition will run from November 23, 2019 - May 17, 2020.

For more information please click here


Lea Porsager was awarded the John and Margaretha Aspegren's 2019 scholarship

At the ceremony of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA’s 100th anniversary Lea Porsager was awarded the John and Margaretha Aspegren's 2019 scholarship. For her artistry and especially gravitational Ripples, which is inspired by scientific observations and cosmic phenomena. This strongly touching memorial of the tsunami disaster links engineering science and the humanities.

Foto: Daniel Söderberg,⁠ 


Mads Gamdrup at Sala de Exposiciones, Faro Vilán, Camariñas, Galicien, Spain

Mads Gamdrup is a part of the exhibition 'The Expanded Area' at Sala de Exposiciones, Faro Vilán, Camariñas, Galicien, Spain together with Nils Viga Hausken. ⁠

The exhibition will run from ⁠October 6 - October 30, 2019.⁠


Runo Lagomarsino awarded the 2019 Friends of Moderna Museet Sculpture Prize 2019

Runo Lagomarsino awarded the 2019 Friends of Moderna Museet Sculpture Prize 2019. In occasion of the award, Lagomarsino will have a solo exhibition at Moderna Museet running from November 12 - December 22, 2019. ⁠

“Runo Lagomarsino is an artist whose works offer a multifaceted picture of what working with sculpture can include. With careful attention to the material, but without ever ignoring its conceptual aspect, Lagomarsino shapes his narrative, acutely aware of the significance of political positionings. He oscillates between temporalities and identities and perceives art as a unit of time and space in a historic context. A sentence written on a baggage carousel, sand poured out in front of a Greek sculpture at a museum, material confronted with a colonial past. In his practice, Lagomarsino incorporates power and geography, mythology and national identity, objects and memories, invisible situations and opportunities for diverse dialogue.” - The Jury ⁠