Tom Sandberg: Photographs

Newly released, “Tom Sandberg: Photographs” is the first major publication dedicated to one of Norway’s most important photographers.

Working in a signature modulating gray scale, the late Norwegian photographer Tom Sandberg spent decades rendering the world according to an exacting vision, training his eye on the shapes and forms of the everyday—dark abstractions of asphalt and sea, the hard edges of an automobile, an ominously curved tunnel, an anonymous figure casting a shadow—to plumb the nature of photographic seeing.

His pictures are subtle yet transformative, studies of stillness that radiate mystery. A perfectionist in the darkroom, Sandberg was acutely sensitive to the rich spectrum of black and white, and his handmade prints, at times printed on aluminum and canvas, project a powerful physical presence. Although Sandberg is esteemed in his native Norway and throughout Scandinavia and Europe, his oeuvre is less known in the United States and other parts of the world. This monograph, produced in close collaboration with the Tom Sandberg Foundation in Oslo, is a long-overdue celebration of this distinguished artist.

224 pages, 124 images
28 × 24 cm, hardcover

Published by Aperture, 2022

Available now in the webshop through the following link: 


Lea Porsager's CALIBRATION CROSS (2020) is now part of the permanent collection at the Museum of Religious Art

Through a donation from Ny Carlsbergfondet and 15. Juni-fonden, The Museum of Religious Art in Lemvig, DK has acquired Lea Porsager's CALIBRATION CROSS (2020), to their collection. ⁠

The work will be part of the museum's rehanging of its recent acquisitions, which will open in 2024. ⁠


Lea Porsager's site-specific work "KLIT" opens in Odense

KLIT is a burgeoning coastal biotope. Here, coastal plants and small reptiles can live and die in a suitable environment. As an ecosystem, Lea Porsager's KLIT is constantly being created, giving the plants in the landscape the opportunity to grow wildly over time.⁠ ⁠KLIT is a donation from Ny Carlsbergfondet to HF & VUC Fyn.⁠

To read more, please click here.


FOS' commission "SWEEPER" at Kulturhus Risbjerggaard, Hvidovre.

Kulturhus Risbjerggaard, Hvidovre's new culture- and theatrehouse opens tomorrow, 09.09 16:00.

In addition, there will be a talk about FOS' commission for Risbjerggaard: "SWEEPER", with FOS and Pernille Fonnesbech, at 19:45.

For more info on the event, please click here.


Photos: Torben Petersen⁠


SUPERFLEX is a part of Art at the Residence, NY

Ny Carlsbergfondet has made a donation of contemporary Danish art to the Residence of the Danish Consul General in New York to represent Danish culture, creativity and art, a decorative commission called "Art at the Residence". 

SUPERFLEX' It Is Not The End Of The World (2019) is a part of this commission. IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD is a work by SUPERFLEX that presents the familiar phrase as a LED light sign installation reminiscent of a commercial billboard. The viewer is invited to reflect upon our present role in a world of escalating climate change and an apocalyptic human future while imagining a future world of lively, diverse and perhaps even humanlike lifeforms. 



Nils Stærk søger studentermedhjælper

Studentermedhjælper til ambitiøst galleri med en international profil

Vi søger en studentermedhjælper med interesse for kunst og kommunikation, der vil arbejde i galleriet ca. 15-20 timer pr. uge. ved siden af sit studie. ⁠

Hvis det kunne være noget for dig, hører vi gerne fra dig inden den 8. august 2022. Fortæl os om din motivation for at arbejde i et galleri og om hvilke kompetencer du vil kunne bidrage med til vores samlede team. ⁠

Du kan læse mere om galleriet her og du kan sende din ansøgning til⁠


Jone Kvie presented at documenta fifteen

One site-specific sculpture, a large volcanic rock, borrowed from the Druseltal Quarry in the vicinity of the city, is situated in the public area in Kassel Hauptbahnhof for documenta fifteen. The rock has been transported out of its natural place and presented as a found object in its unmodified and uninterrupted state, with moss, lichen, and grass still growing on it. In this setting, geological or mythological questions of origins, and connections between human civilization and the volcanic rock are brought into play. 
In the public space, people can use the rock as a place to sit down and rest, as a meeting point, or just passing by. 
Another sculptural work is presented in Kasseller Architecturzentrum, as part of an exhibition by the artist group A Stick in the Forest by the Side of the Road. Made of handblown glass, steel, aluminum, and volcanic rock, the sculpture is an interpretation of a planetary Nebula based on a photograph taken by the Hubble Telescope. Made in a glass workshop in Murano in Italy, it follows a line of sculptural works based on images from telescopes made by Kvie in different materials throughout the past decade. 
Through the artist’s process of material translation, Kvie’s works gain an ambiguous presence in time and space, often evoking the unknown, hinting at what we yet do not know. Any relationship to their source material, be it the natural sciences, popular culture, or art history, remains inconclusive.
For more information, please click here.


Darío Escobar, "Words are Silver, Silence is Golden" at MUNAL

Darío Escobar's solo exhibition "Words are Silver, Silence is Golden" at MUNAL is now open. The exhibition runs until 12.03.23.

To read the full exhibition text, written by José Luis Falconi, please click here. And for more information on the exhibition, click here.