Matthew Ronay


Matthew Ronay solo-exhibition Mounting Toward Zenith / Descending And Disappearing at Lüttgenmeijer in Berlin, Germany


Ed Templeton


Ed Templeton solo-exhibition Map Of The Inner World at Roberts & Tilton, Culver City, California, US. The exhibition consist of 250 new works including sculpture, painting, photography, and silkscreen.




Please join SUPERFLEX to celebrate the anniversary of COPYSHOP at The Art Gallery of Knoxville. The celebration will include a discussion hosted by Students for the Study of Law & Culture at the University of Tennessee on November 3.




SUPERFLEX are contributing the biennial Prospect .1 New Orleans with their work When The Levees Broke, We Bought Our House.


Newsletter Winter 2008


2008 was an exciting year outside as well as inside the gallery. Once again our participation in the Mexican art fairMACO was a great success. The gallery received much attention from the Mexican press and most of the featured works were sold to respected collections. This June we participated for the third time in the world’s premier art fairART BASEL. At the art fair we presented new works by Torbjørn Rødland and Gardar Eide Einarsson with great success. Furthermore we showed Gardar Eide Einarsson’s largest installation so far called Untitled (Jesus Saves) atART BASEL · ART UNLIMITED.

 In 2006 Birgir Andrésson was invited to do a site specific art work at the new university hospital Nye Ahus in Norway. Birgir Andrésson’s 25 meter high wall painting in the central courtyard was unveiled at the opening of the new hospital in October this year.

Miriam Bäckström will open a solo show on November 13 called Le som om vi redan har vunnit/Smile As If We Have Already Won at Gallery Christian Larsen in Stockholm, Sweden. From November 29 Miriam Bäckström is taking part in the group exhibition Interieur/Exterieur: Wohnen in der Kunst at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany.Bäckström is currently working on the final freestanding part of a trilogy of films, Rebecka and The Viewer being the first two parts.

Until November 9 Danish Design Centre in Copenhagen are showing wallpapersand the new art-as-wallpaper concept WallArt developed by Martin Bigum in collaboration with the company Funnywalls. Moreover earlier this year Bigum created a fashion collection in collaboration with the company Solidary People. From January 8 Martin Bigum is showing new paintings, photographs, drawings and installation at the solo exhibition Structure Beneath Skin at Galerie Wohnmaschine, Berlin.

Ingvar Cronhammar and landscape architect Torben Schønherr’s adaption of Vejle Rensningsanlæg, Denmark was unveiled October 1st. This spring a new water sculpture will be unveiled at Østervold in Randers, Denmark and in June a new scenic installation will be unveiled at Elforsyningen Nordvendsyssel in Hjørring, Denmark. Two new books about or written by Ingvar Cronhammar are to be published soon. The book Tystnaden is written by writer and art critic Torben Weirup and concerns Cronhammar’s architectural and design related projects. Through the last 30 years photographer Jørgen Borg and Ingvar Cronhammar have been collecting material concerning nationally determined ways of expressing oneself in gardens and houses. This material is to be published in a book called Jysk Folkekunstby publisher Skippershoved.

This fall and winter Olaf Breuning is taking part in a great number of group exhibitions around the world. In August and September Olaf Breuning’s film Ugly Yelp was shown at MOMA, New York. In September he exhibited works at ISPC: International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York and at Angstrom Gallery, Los Angeles. Olaf Breuning is currently on show at CentrePasqueArt Kunsthaus, Switzerland and Pavilion Suisse de Paris, France. Furthermore, in November and December a selection of his works will be exhibited at Hotel MariaKapel, The Nederlands; HessenHuis, Belgium and Frankfurter Kunstverein, Germany. Until November 8 new photographs, sculptures and drawings are exhibited at the solo exhibition Olaf Breuning at Metro Pictures, New York. At this year’s Art Basel Miami Beach Olaf Breuning is doing a solo project at the section Art Projects, Sagamore Hotel.

Gardar Eide Einarsson’s art work The World Is Yoursfrom 2005 is now part of the permanent installation at The Ellipse Foundation in Portugal. Furthermore the art work is part of the title for The Ellipse foundation’s current exhibition Listen Darling… The World is Yours, curated by Lisa Phillips, director at the New Museum, New York.

Einarsson was nominated for the Carnegie Art Award 2008 and is currently taking part in the travelling exhibitionCarnegie Art Award, which will be on display from april 2008 until april 2009 in London, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Göteborg, Reykjavik, Helsinki, Carros and Oslo. Furthermore Gardar Eide Einarsson’s works were on show in June at the Whitney Biennial 2008, New York. Einarsson participated in a series of group exhibitions, among them the exhibition Hardcore at Sørlandet Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand; Meet Me Around the Corner: Works from the Astrup Fearnley Collection at Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo. Until October he participated in That was then…This is now atPS1,New York. Recently a number of extensive articles about Gardar Eide Einarsson were printed in He MagazineVogue Hommes Nippon and Interview Magazine.

Following several years of concentrated work on the series Monochrome Colour Noise Mads Gamdrup is ready with a whole new series of art works. Both visually and content-wise they are moving in a radically new direction. Works from the series will be exhibited at the gallery from October 31 till December 20 and from November at Kunstforeningen Grønningen at Bornholms Kunstmuseum, Denmark. From January Mads Gamdrup’s works are on show at Trondheim Senter for Samtidskunst in Norway and from March at Skagens Kunstmuseum, Denmark. Mads Gamdrup is among the 14 artists chosen to take part in the photographic project Danmark under forvandling in a cooperation between Brandts – Museet for Fotokunst, The Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Realdania and New Carlsberg Foundation. The project will result in an exhibition as well as a book, to be published in 2012.

Nils Erik Gjerdevik will open a large solo show on November 8 at Gl. Strand – Exhibition Hall of Modern and Contemporary Art, Copenhagen. The exhibition will be an installation comprised of new paintings, drawings, and ceramic sculptures created specifically for Gl. Strand. Earlier this year Gjerdevik finished a large decorative assignment at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Oslo, and at Københavns Elforsyning, Copenhagen. Nils Erik Gjerdevik has just finished two large paintings created specifically for Det Danske Kulturinstiutut in Rome. The paintings are a donation from New Carlsbergfoundation. In September Gjerdevik showed works at the exhibition Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen and in January Bergen Kunsmuseum will show two large paintings by Gjerdevik – acquired earlier this year.

Richard Hughes has recently done a solo exhibition at The Modern Institute/Toby Webster Ltd., London in September and October and is participating at the group exhibition Life on Mars – 55th Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art until January.

Jone Kvie is currently having two solo exhibitions. At Galleri Opdahl, Berlin his works are on show until the end of November and at the exhibition Beginnings and Endings at Kristianstad Konsthall 15 of Jone Kvie’s sculptures from 2001-2008 are on show until January 11.

Matthew Ronay’s sculpture To Possess it. One walk through it at night, acuired by AROS – Århus Kunstmuseum earlier this year, is currently on show at the newly installed collection at the museum. Earlier this year Ronay participated inMeet Me Around the Corner – Works from the Astrup Fearnley Collection and until October 25 his works are shown at the exhibition Political Correct at BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Services, Geneva. From November 15 Matthew Ronay’s works are exhibited at a solo exhibition at Luettgenmeijer, Berlin.

Torbjørn Rødland’s worksare currently on show at the exhibition Disturbance at Johannesburg Art Gallery in South Africa. November 22 Rødland will open a solo exhibition at Sørlandets Kunstmuseum in Kristiansand, Norway.

Following a stay at The National Workshop for Arts and Crafts in Copenhagen this spring and a successful exhibition at Nils Stærk Ed Templeton has shown works in USA at LeRoy Neiman Gallery, New York and Cuesta Collage Gallery, California. November 15 Templeton will be opening a large solo exhibition named Map of the Inner War at Robert & Tilton, Los Angeles. Moreover Templeton recently published the book Deformor, with a selection of his art works.

Until December 7 SUPERFLEX will be showing works at the group exhibition Wouldn’t It Be Nice… Wishfull Thinking in Art and Design at Somerset House in London. Superflex is entering a busy fall and winter. Among others they are showing solo exhibitions at ARTSPACE, New Zealand in October and South London Gallery in January. In the beginning of February a project will be shown at Brandts Klædefabrik created in cooperation with Simon Starling and until January a selection of works are on show at the Taipei Biennalen in Taiwan. From November and onwards the exhibition Project 1 New Orleans will be on show in 20 museums, art centres and public spaces around New Orleans, showing among other pieces a new work by Superflex. Free Beer Kit – acquired by Louisiana in 2007 – is now a part of the museum’s permanent exhibition. The brewery Skands has recently put Free Beer version 4.0 on the market. Moreover, Superflex recently won a large town planning competition in Copenhagen in collaboration with the architects BIG. The project will be realised in 2012.

Since March two Supergas biogas systems have been installed on farms on Zanzibar, Tanzania. They are the first of eight biogas systems, which are to be installed during the next two years. In October Superflex participated in Haugesund Kunstfestival in Norway. A public sculpture was begun in the centre of the town and the project Free Shop was executed in several shops in the city. So far Free Shop has been in action in Denmark, Poland, Japan and Germany. Superflex is working on a new book about Free Shop in collaboration with Porksaladpress

December 4 – 7 we will be participating in ART BASEL MIAMI BEACH for the first time.  The gallery will be closed from December 21 until January 5.

For further information concerning the gallery’s activities please see




Jone Kvie solo-exhibition Supermasive Star System at GALERIE OPDAHL, Berlin.


Gardar Eide Einarsson


We are pleased to announce that Einarsson is contributing the group-exhibition Listen Darling… The World Is Yours at Ellipse Foundation Art Contemporary Collection, Portugal.




Jone Kvie solo-exhibition “beginnings and endings” at Kristianstads Konsthall in Kristianstad, Sweden.