Eduardo Terrazas Book Launch and Signing at Art Basel 2022

"Cosmos" offers new approaches to the stunning artworks of Eduardo Terrazas. Four well-known authors present a multidisciplinary vision of the artist's ongoing series "Possibilities of a Structure". Which suggests at once a curiosity in the fabric of our universe and a profoundly human hope for underlying rationality behind the chaos of the world.

Thursday, June 16th 3-3.30 pm,

Art Basel
Hall 2.1
Booth R21

Join artist Eduardo Terrazas & curator and contributor to the book Hans Ulrich Obrist at the event.

Eduardo Terrazas has explored a lifetime’s worth of questions about the nature of the universe through the microcosm of his images. He derives his visual reflections with a basic geometric structure and a technique that is inspired by the Huichol tablas from Mexican indigenous tribes. His highly colourful and playful series "Possibilities of a Structure" – of which Cosmos is a subseries – has been an ongoing project since 1974 and comprises over 650 works until today: an artistic exploration of the boundaries of the infinite.

With contributions by Marcus Du Sautoy, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Guillermo Fadanelli, Arnauld Pierre

336 pages, 400 colour illustrations
28 × 28 cm, hardcover

Published by Hirmer Publishers


Tove Storch is a part of the group exhibition In a Slow Manner at Augustiana, DK. ⁠

Tove Storch's Untitled (2019) is a part of the group exhibition In a Slow Manner at Augustiana, DK.

The title, In a Slow Manner, pays tribute to the 1941 article Handweaving Today by the weaver Anni Albers. With an experimental approach, the exhibition activates the visitors’ senses with an examination of texture, expressed in a series of material-based, mainly textile works. From wall-hung woven works to two- and three-dimensional sculptures, the artists span a number of generations, intentions and expressions.⁠

For more information on the exhibition, please click here.

Photo: I DO ART Agency. 


As Close As We Get in Copenhagen Harbour

In collaboration with DTU Sustain, SUPERFLEX has placed a sculpture in Copenhagen Harbor. Entitled As Close As We Get, the work is simultaneously an experiment, a home for microorganisms, and an artwork. Above the surface, visitors will able to appreciate the artwork from the shore, and below the surface, marine life will find a place to gather. DTU Sustain will test the sustainability of the material for underwater construction. The knowledge generated from this research will contribute to SUPERFLEX’s larger Superrev project, which is a collaborative plan to build 55 km2 of reef in the Danish oceans. ⁠

This experiment is conducted in collaboration with DTU Sustain and By & Havn. Supported by Statens Kunstfond.

Photos by: Lars Hestbæk


Gardar Eide Einarsson is a part of the exhibition 'Color as Program' at Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn

Gardar Eide Einarsson's Distinct Functional Layers Help Establish Hierarchy and Order (2016) is a part of the exhibition Color as Program at Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn.⁠

The exhibition is open and runs until 07.08.22⁠. For more information, please click here.

The exhibition Color as Program deals with color as an artistic medium and its programmatic, political dimension on the basis of art and cultural history exhibits from far more than 100 years. The theme is not so much the art historical context of color or a media technological exploration of the topic. Rather, it is about the artistic exploration of the power of color. This permeates all disciplines, not only aesthetically and perceptually, but also politically and economically.⁠


SUPERFLEX and Jone Kvie are a part of the exhibition 'Marmor' at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, DK

SUPERFLEX and Jone Kvie are a part of the exhibition 'Marmor' at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, DK

Until 21.08.22

For more information, please click here.



Lea Porsager wins The New Carlsberg Foundation's Artist Grant

We would like to congratulate Lea Porsager on The New Carlsberg Foundation's Artist Grant!

The grant is awarded to one or several artists who, through courage, originality and impact have made themselves known, both in Denmark and internationally. ⁠

The Artist Grant in 2022 is awarded to two artists: Lea Porsager and Tue Greenfort⁠⁠. NILS STÆRK would also like to congratulate the other winners: Elmgreen & Dragset, Tue Greenfort, Astrid la Cour and Pia Wirnfeldt. ⁠

For more information, please click here.


Nils Stærk søger Sales Director

Sales Director for ambitious gallery with an international profile

NILS STÆRK is a gallery with an international artistic profile located in Copenhagen's northwestern district. The gallery was founded in 1997 by Nils Stærk and is dedicated to creating a strong contemporary art scene. Today, the gallery represents a number of national and international artists working in diverse artistic expressions and sharing an interest in exploring current social themes. The gallery participates in Danish and international art fairs such as Art Basel and Zona Maco on an annual basis.

We place great emphasis on good work culture, and we are looking for a Sales Director who will be part of our professional team of skilled employees, all of whom contribute and collaborate to create the best results. As Sales Director, your central task will be to strengthen the gallery’s commercial activities and revenue. You will also be involved in a number of artist liaison assignments concerning some of the artists represented. Your primary work tasks will include:

  • sales work
  • building and maintaining customer networks
  • liaising with public and private institutions       
  • developing new sales ideas

In addition, you will be involved in other tasks, such as:

  • professional planning and development of exhibitions and art fairs
  • ensuring professional and confidential contact between gallery and artists
  • collaborating with artists on e.g. the production of new works, exhibitions, commissions, etc.
  • internal knowledge-sharing about collaborative ventures with individual artists
  • professional communication in connection with exhibitions, sales presentations, etc. 

We expect you to have a relevant background, be interested in contemporary art, and to have a knack for and enjoy sales work. Sales experience from the art industry or similar would be an advantage. You must be a welcoming and skilled communicator, both orally and in writing, and be able to develop positive collaborations in relation to both artists and customers as well as business partners and colleagues in the gallery. You must be able to take responsibility and show flexibility and commitment in relation to the gallery's overall tasks. Some of your tasks will involve travelling in both Denmark and abroad, and it is therefore important that you have the opportunity and desire to prioritize travelling activities.

This is a full-time position. A personality test will form part of the recruitment process. The salary is negotiable. 

Any questions about the position should be directed to Nils Stærk on +45 40887766 or 

Please send your application and CV to



Sales Director til ambitiøst galleri med international profil

NILS STÆRK er et galleri med en international kunstnerisk profil beliggende i Københavns Nordvest kvarter. Galleriet blev etableret i 1997 af Nils Stærk med et mål om at skabe en kraftfuld scene for samtidskunst. Galleriet repræsenterer i dag en række nationale og internationale kunstnere, der arbejder i et bredt kunstnerisk felt og deler en interesse for at udforske aktuelle samfundstemaer. Galleriet deltager årligt på danske og internationale kunstmesser som fx Art Basel samt Zona Maco.

Vi vægter højt at have en god kollegial arbejdskultur, og vi leder efter en Sales Director, der vil indgå i vores professionelle team af dygtige medarbejdere, hvor alle bidrager til og samarbejder om at skabe de bedste resultater.

Som Sales Director vil din centrale opgave være at styrke den kommercielle aktivitet og omsætning for galleriet. Du vil også blive inddraget i en række artist liaison-opgaver for en del af de kunstnere, som galleriet repræsenterer. Dine primære arbejdsopgaver vil bl.a. bestå af:

  • opsøgende salgsarbejde
  • opbygge og vedligeholde kundenetværk
  • kontakt til offentlige og private institutioner
  • udvikling af nye salgsideer

Derudover vil du blive inddraget i andre opgaver fx:

  • faglig planlægning og udvikling af udstillinger og kunstmesser
  • sørge for en god og fortrolig kontakt mellem galleri og kunstner med god forventningsafstemning
  • løbende kontakt til kunstnerne om bl.a. produktion af nye værker, udstillinger, udsmykningsopgaver m.v.
  • videndeling internt om samarbejdet med den enkelte kunstner
  • faglig kommunikation i forbindelse med udstillinger, salgspræsentationer m.v.

Vi forventer, at du har en relevant baggrund, interesse for samtidskunst og lyst til og evner for salgsarbejde. Det er en fordel, hvis du har erfaring med salgsarbejde fra kunstbranchen eller en lignende branche. Du skal være en imødekommende og dygtig kommunikator både mundtligt og skriftligt og være i stand til at udvikle positive samarbejder både i forhold til kunstnere, kunder og samarbejdspartnere og i forhold til kolleger i galleriet. Du skal kunne tage ansvar og udvise fleksibilitet og engagement i forhold til galleriets samlede opgaver. En del af dine opgaver vil skulle udføres på rejser i ind- og udland, og det er derfor vigtigt, at du har mulighed for og lyst til at prioritere rejseaktivitet.

Stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling og ønskes besat snarest muligt. Der vil indgå en personlighedstest i ansættelsesforløbet. Lønnen vil blive fastsat efter konkret forhandling.

Hvis du har spørgsmål til stillingen, er du velkommen til at kontakte Nils Stærk på telefon 40887766 eller

Send din ansøgning samt CV til


Runo Lagomarsino 'A Cloud of Smoke' at Galleri Format

Runo Lagomarsino's solo exhibition A Cloud of Smoke, is now open at Galleri Format, Malmø

The show runs until 27.02.2022⁠

To read the full exhibition text, written by Avram Alpert, please click here. Text courtesy of Galleri Format, Malmø.