SUPERFLEX at Moderna Museet Malmö


SUPERFLEX participates in the group show ‘THE NEW HUMAN : Knock, Knock, Is Anyone Home?’ at Moderna Museet Malmö, Sweden

27th February-4th September 2016

For more info :


SUPERFLEX is participating in Marrakech Biennale 6 – 2016


SUPERFLEX is participating in the 6th Marrakech Biennale, Morocco – NOT NEW NOW, 24th February – 8th May 2016 with their film KWASSA KWASSA.

For more info :

SF Kwassa Kwassa Photo : SUPERFLEX


ARCO Madrid Feb 24-28th 2016


ARCO Madrid 2016 is opening tomorrow! We will be at booth 9G35 showing works by Gardar Eide Einarsson, Dario Escobar, Runo Lagomarsino, Lea Porsager, Tove Storch and Eduardo Terrazas.


SUPERFLEX’S Hospital Equipment now installed for use in Gaza, Palestine


SUPERFLEX is pleased to announce that Hospital Equipment has been transported to and installed for use by doctors and patients at Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza, Palestine.

In November 2014 SUPERFLEX presented the work Hospital Equipment as part of the Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl Nielsen grant exhibition at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The work consisted of an operating table, surgical dynamic lamps and surgical instrument table which was carefully selected by palestinian doctors in Gaza and organisations working in Gaza. SUPERFLEX declared that when the exhibition ended, the work would be shipped to a hospital in Gaza, Palestine, to be used by staff and patients.

Hospital Equipment is an act of exchange. The work faces the viewer with a gruesome situation that mirrors the consequences of the conflict – a life or death operation. It questions the object-based art collection, transgresses the concept of the white cube and expands the notion of the ready-made. Three private collections acquired the work prior to the opening of the exhibition at Den Frie, yet they will not have the work physically in their collection.

‘The donation comes as a continuation of the humanitarian relief offered by SUPERFLEX, whom are known for their engagement with the Palestinian community, noting that this support comes to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people under the suffocating siege on the health sector in Gaza’, Dr. Mahmoud Ismail, head of PalMed – Danish branch, says.

The Manager of Al-Shifa Hospital greeted the donation by SUPERFLEX and the efforts of PalMed-Denmark and Dr. Mohammed Abu Nada, the head of Gaza Office for their effective management and relocation of the equipments to Al-Shifa complex and for upgrading the level of services provided to citizens.

SUPERFLEX would like to thank the 3 private collections. Also thanks to WHO, Simonsen & Weel and PalMed for their collaboration and assistance during the entire process.

More information about Hospital Equipment :


Vi søger en ny galleri assistent


Vi søger en ny galleri assistent.

Ansøgningsfrist: 11. September 2015

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