Nils Erik Gjerdevik 1962-2016


Nils Erik Gjerdevik
(1962 Oslo – 2016 Frederiksberg)
Efter at vi i sidste uge udsendte den triste meddelelse om Nils Erik Gjerdeviks alt for tidlige død, har vi modtaget utroligt mange fine tilbagemeldinger. Rigtig mange har ydret ønske om at få besked om Nils Eriks begravelse, og vi har derfor besluttet at udsende information om den til hele vores mailingliste.
Nils Erik begraves fra Sct. Matthæus Kirke, Matthæusgade 31, København på fredag d. 7. oktober kl. 11:00
Efter ceremonien i kirken er der en ceremoni for de nærmeste på Frederiksberg Kirkegård.
Fra 13:00 afholdes reception i galleriet, hvor vi håber så mange som muligt vil komme og mindes Nils Erik.

Nils Erik Gjerdevik, Untitled, 2012, Oil on canvas, 255 x 480 cm
Nils Erik Gjerdevik
(1962 Oslo – 2016 Frederiksberg)
Following the sad announcement last week of the untimely death of Nils Erik Gjerdevik we have received a great amount of kind messages. Many have asked to be informed about the details for Nils Erik’s funeral and we have therefore decided to send out the information to our full mailing list.
Nils Erik’s funeral will be held at Sct. Matthæus Kirke, Matthæusgade 31, Copenhagen, on Friday 7th October at 11am.
Following the ceremony at the church there will be a small private ceremony for nearest family and friends at Frederiksberg Kirkegård.
From 1pm there will be a reception at the gallery where we hope as many as possible will come and commemorate Nils Erik.


Mads Gamdrup – IDEALS. Concrete Art – Then and Now at Fuglsang Art Museum, Toreby, Denmark


Mads Gamdrup participates in the group show IDEALS. Contrete Art – Then and Now Fuglsang Art Museum.
The exhibition is featuring approximately 80 works of art from the 1940s and 50s, as well as from recent years, in an attempt at illustrating the various kinds of art and its social potential.
September 23rd 2016 – January 8th 2017

Mads Gamdrup, Just Noise, 2012, Inkjet print on diasec, 180 x 220 cm
For more information :


Lea Porsager – Sketch for a new world at Sorø Art Museum, Sorø, Denmark


Lea Porsager participates in the exhibition Sketch for a new world at Sorø Art Museum. The exhibition is based on new acquisitions.

September 24th 2016 – January 15th 2017 / Opening September 23rd.

Installation view, Lea Porsager, How to Program and Use T-F, 2013

For more information :


Runo Lagomarsino – The Artist at Moderna Museet Malmö, Malmö, Sweden


Runo Lagomarsino participates in the exhibition The Artist at Moderna Museet Malmö, Sweden opening on September 24th.

The Artist – recently shown at Nationalmuseum, Stockholm – is a collaboration between Moderna Museet, Nationalmuseum, and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. The exhibition brings together works from different eras selected from the three art institutions amongst others.

September 24th 2016 – February 19th 2017

Runo Lagomarsino, As if the Stones were Sand, 2015, HD video (color/no sound) 5min

For more information :


Runo Lagomarsino – Malmös leende, public spaces, Malmö, Sweden


Runo Lagomarsino participates in Malmös leende, an art project bringing together a group of international and Swedish artists to interact with the city and it’s public space. The works deal with a broad aspect of issues pertaining to politics, religion, language, belonging and cityscape.

September 19th – October 2nd 2016

Runo Lagomarsino’s work A Country’s Landscape can be seen at Drottninggatan 18, Malmö, Sweden

Runo Lagomarsino, A Country’s Landscape, Installation view

For more information :



SUPERFLEX and Gardar Eide Einarsson – ‘No Man is an Island – The Satanic Verses’ at ARoS, AArhus, DK


SUPERFLEX and Gardar Eide Einarsson participates in No Man is an Island – The Satanic Verses, an exhibition presenting works from the museums collection in new and unfamiliar relations that raise questions about the contemporary global, social and economic challenges.
September 3rd 2016 – January 7th 2018
For more information :

Gardar Eide Einarsson, Black Poly and Dump Truck Tarp XII, 2015, Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas, 250 x 386 cm (two parts) and Untitled (Flagwaste), 2015, Flagwaste, Variable dimensions

SUPERFLEX, Bankrupt Banks, 2013, 17 mdf boards with print, 200 x 2024cm

Photo: Andreas Zimmermann


Ed Templeton – Advance at RVCA, Darwin Ecosystem, Bordeaux, France


RVCA presents Advance, a comtemporary art show by the artist network program – including Ed Templeton – at Darwin Ecosystem, Bordeaux, France

September 7th – September 28th 2016

For more information :



Runo Lagomarsino – Facts don ́t Speak for Themselves – Migration and European borders at Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, SE


Runo Lagomarsino participates in the group show FACTS DON’T SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES – MIGRATION AND EUROPEAN BORDERS at Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, Sweden.

August 27 – September 25 2016 / Opening August 26 6-9pm

For more information :