Superflex is a part of the group exhibition 'Undefined Territories. Reflections on Postcolonialism' at MACBA

Superflex is a part of the group exhibition 'Undefined Territories. Reflections on Postcolonialism' at MACBA with their video-work 'Kwassa Kwassa' (2015). 

Kwassa Kwassa is a film work by SUPERFLEX portraying the construction of a boat on the island of Anjouan, in the Comoro archipelago between Madagasgar and Mozambique. Although usually used for fishing, boats like the one built in the film are in many cases also used for transporting migrants to the neighbouring island of Mayotte, a French oversea territory and the outermost region of the EU.

The islands are 70 km apart – separated by a seemingly short, but life-threatening journey that has claimed more than 10,000 lives of women, men and children. Kwassa Kwassa interprets the boat as a contextual construction intended to carry migrants on a dangerous, politically complex journey. Carrying more than symbolic meaning as a vessel for dreams of reaching a better life on the other shore, the boat is also a labor-intensive work of craftsmanship and the physical passage bearing human lives to safety – as the title questions in translation “an unstable boat” from the language of the Comoro Islands.

The exhibition is running from 17.05.2019 - 20.10.2019

For more please click here




Miriam Bäckström is a part of the group exhibition 'Nordic Contemporary by Ars Fennica' at Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum

Miriam Bäckström is a part of the group exhibition 'Nordic Contemporary by Ars Fennica' at Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum. 

'Miriam Bäckström makes use of a variety of artistic media, including photography, film, performance, theater, installation, and text. The driving force behind Bäckström’s work is her meticulous studies of the symbiotic relationship between image and reality in the human psyche. Bäckström unfailingly aims for technical precision and innovation, regardless of whether she’s working with stills or motion pictures. At the same time, she has opened her work up to collaboration that allows for improvised and theatrical elements'. - Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum 

In occasion of the exhibition, she will give an artist talk 12.10.2019 13:00-13:30 at Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum.

For more please click here


Superflex will be a part of the group exhibition 'Eco-visionaries: Art for a planet in a state of emergency' at Matadero Madrid

Superflex will be a part of the group exhibition 'Eco-visionaries: Art for a planet in a state of emergency' at Matadero Madrid with their video work 'Western Rampart' (2018). 

'Western Rampart is a film work by SUPERFLEX challenging our perception of borders and boundaries - whether natural or human built, through time.

The film is set in the area of Vestvolden ("Western Rampart" in Danish), in which the 14 km rampart complex south west of Copenhagen was built between 1888 and 1892. As one of the last fortification systems of the city against foreign invasion and the largest, yet unfinished, construction project of its time in Denmark, it has been obsolete since World War I.

As a combination of visual and narrative poetry, magic realism and documentarism, Western Rampart is a tale featuring a gigantic Amanita muscaria mushroom in discussion with the revived Western Rampart. Through the existential conversation, two perspectives are opposed. While the rampart embodies the necessity of borders and walls for survival; the mushroom advocates for constant motion and circulation as everything is meant to continuously transform to thrive.

Shifting between view points the imagery of the film features perspectives from ultra slow motion, macro shots of animated nature to overviews depicting the largeness of the rampart construction. Western Rampart comes with a sound design that underlines the conflicting positions of being inside and outside, convinced and confused, firm and fluid.' - SUPERFLEX

For more please click here



Runo Lagomarsino will be a part of the group exhibition 'Migration: Traces in an Art Collection' at Malmö Art Museum

Runo Lagomarsino will be a part of the exhibition 'Migration: Traces in an Art Collection' at Malmö Art Museum with his work 'Sea Grammar and Las casas is not a home'. 

'Hur har konstnärer under de senaste 150 åren förhållit sig till migration? Några av svaren får vi genom att söka spåren i Malmö Konstmuseums egen samling. Där hittar vi konstnärer med olika erfarenheter av migration.

En av utgångspunkterna är tiden vid andra världskrigets slut. Platsen är Malmö Museum våren 1945. Tidningarna rapporterade om Röda Korsets vita bussar som hjälpt överlevande att komma till Sverige. Nu inackorderades de på tillfälliga flyktingförläggningar i Malmö – men fler platser behövdes. Museichefen Ernst Fischer beslutade då över en natt att stänga den ordinarie verksamheten till förmån för de nyanlända med hundratals sovplatser. Många av de som bodde på museet lämnade efter sig teckningar som skildrar livet i koncentrationslägren, dessa visas i utställningen tillsammans med Sven X-et Erixons verk som också skildrar händelsen.

Utställningen skildrar över 100 år av migrationshistorier. Det tidigaste verket i utställningen är från 1881 och skildrar tiden då cirka 1,3 miljoner svenskar emigrerade till Amerika. Från detta följer vi historien fram till idag av konstnärer som levt eller arbetat i exil, eller som har arbetat politiskt med migration som motiv. Klassiker som Gerhard Nordström, Sonia Delaunay-Terk, Peter Weiss och Lotte Laserstein visas sida vid sida med bland annat en grupp 1930-talsmålare från Lettland vars verk inte visats på närmare 50 år. För att binda ihop historien visas även samtida verk som på olika sätt kommenterar bilden av exil och förflyttning i dagens globaliserade värld.' - Malmö Art Museum

The exhibition will be running from 11.10.2019 - 23.02.2020. 

For more information please click here


Gardar Eide Einarsson & SUPERFLEX is a part of the group exhibition 'Flag. Objekt ikon symbol' at Randers Kunstmuseum

Gardar Eide Einarsson & SUPERFLEX is a part of the exhibition 'Flag. Objekt ikon symbol' at Randers Kunstmuseum.

'Udstillingen FLAG – objekt, ikon, symbol markerer 800-året for legenden om verdens ældste nationalflag, Dannebrog. Udstillingen sætter fokus på flaget i kunsten fra 1960 frem til i dag. Fra Sven Dalsgaards (DK, 1914-1999) Dannebrogsværker, der skabte skandale i Paris i 1967, til den kinesiske kunstner Ai Weiweis (CN, 1957) seneste politiske flagværker om tidens flygtningestrømme på tværs af nationale grænser. Hertil vises en lang række nye og nyere ”flagværker” af anerkendte danske og internationale kunstnere.


Hvad betyder flaget for vores nationale identitet i dag? Og hvordan anvendes flaget som markør på tværs af nationale landegrænser? Udstillingen undersøger flaget som omstridt symbol og konkret element i kunsten og præsenterer moderne visuelle fortolkninger og fortællinger om det historiske og kulturelle symbol, der indgår i den offentlige fortælling om os selv og vores nationalitet. Her udfordres flagets traditionelle, territoriale, miljø-, race- eller kønsmæssige afgrænsninger.

Udstillingen kan opleves både på kunstmuseet og i byens rum, hvor 12 flag af Hesselholdt & Mejlvang (DK, 1974, 1976) vajer i vinden på Jens Otto Krags Plads.

Til udstillingen udgives på Randers Kunstmuseums Forlag (Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets autoritetsliste for serier og forlag) en forskningsbaseret publikation med bidrag af bl.a. Jørn Erslev Andersen, Lektor Aarhus Universitet. Lørdag 21. september kl. 11, inviterer museet til boglancering og foredrag ved Jørn Erslev Andersen.' - Randers Kunstmuseum 

The exhibition is running from 10.08.2019 - 12.01.2020

For more information please click here 


Runo Lagomarsino's exhibition 'We believe to be a land and the truth is we are barely a landscape' at Kultur Parken Småland

Runo Lagomarsino's exhibition 'We believe to be a land and the truth is we are barely a landscape' links historical and contemporary migration. Växjö and Småland are central places. The artist highlights portrayals of exile's first impressions and memories. Various stories meet and take turns against each other in an exhibition of sculptures, pictures and films.

The exhibition is part of the art project 'New Småland' where local knowledge is combined with international contemporary art with the aim of exploring the political, social and aesthetic landscape in Småland.
The exhibition will be opening on September 21, 2019, at the Emigrants' House.

Click here for more information